
For information about any of our stewardship opportunities, please contact the front desk at 719-598-3595

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
— MATTHEW 25:40

Ordained Ministers & Pastoral Team

Ordained Ministers

Rev. Francisco J. Quezada
Rev. Will Dwayer
Deacon Dick Brown
Deacon Rudy Gonzales Ed.D
Deacon Matt Kasper
Deacon Donbosco Le
Deacon Jay Doherty

Pastoral Team

Pastoral Administrative Assistant/Safe Environment
Kim Goodman
Vickie Keene

Executive Assistant to Pastor/Social Media Coordinator
Christine McIntyre

Yvette Craft
Marlene Kniesche

Israel Salazar
Toby Henderson

Office of Stewardship
Andy Ziny

Office of Worship and Liturgy
Patty Henderson

Children’s Catechesis
Claire N. Ochoa, MA, Theological Studies

Youth Catechesis/Youth Ministry
Michael Ochoa, MA, Theological Studies

Order of the Catechumenate
Chelsy Gomez, MA, Catechesis

Adult Catechesis
Donna James, Ed. D
Melissa Anderson
Andy Ziny

Coordinator of Spiritual Direction
Nancy Maney,
Coordinator of Spiritual Direction/Spiritual Director


Holy Liturgy

altar Linens

Melinda Ebright

Altar Servers

Fr. Will Dwayer

Daughters of Veronica

Fr. Will Dwayer
Sidney Rodriguez


Patty Henderson

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Susie Sallee

Hospitality Ministers

Mark Allen


Mark DeStefano

Holy Liturgy, Weddings & Funerals

Patty Henderson

Wedding Coordinators

Brandt Laird
Janet Laird

Sacred Music

Patty Henderson


Sidney Rodriguez


St. Martin de Porres Apostolate…(all groups that assist the poor).
Nona Stuber

mother Teresa of Calcutta Food Pantry

Mary Curtis
Larry Pfenninger

Fostering Hope

Andy Ziny
Renee Babcock

St. Nicholas Tree

St. Brigid Women’s Group

Holiday Food Assistance

Andy Ziny

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Dave Smith
Andy Ziny

Marian House

Margie Huntington

St. Raphael Apostolate…(homebound, hospice, administration of sacraments to sick and dying, prison).
Deacon Dick Brown
Deacon Donbosco Le

Visiting the sick and Homebound

Dn Dick Brown
Dn Don Le
Nona Stuber
Sharon Pierson

Funeral Reception Ministry

Ellen Filler

Grief Support Group

Olivia Espinosa

St. Stephen Ministry

Cynthia Jackson

Kairos Prison ministry

Ann Weida


Respect Life Apostolate…(all things to do with the right to life from birth to natural death).

Respect Life Coordinator

Knights of Columbus
Ron Krom

Respect Life crafters

Carol Colter

Esl-english as a second language

Mary Fitzgerald

Counsels &

Finance Council

Yvette Craft

Pastoral Council

Tom Williams

Catechetical Board

Fr. Will Dwayer

Vocations Committee

Fr. Will Dwayer

St. Brendan Library Guild

To be determined

Catholic Spirituality


Jim Pierson

Prayer Line/chain

Kim Goodman
Vickie Keene

Sunday & weekday

Fr. Francisco J. Quezada
Fr. Will Dwayer

Mercy Wednesday

Fr. Francisco J. Quezada
Fr. Will Dwayer
(Confessions all day)

Adult catechesis

Donna James, Ed.D
Melissa Anderson
Andy Ziny
(Scripture study and continuing formation classes etc…)

Rosary before Mass

Knights of Columbus

Spiritual direction

To be determined

Divine Mercy cenacle

Dn. Jim Bachta

Thursday Morning Men’s Group (TM2)

Chris McDermott

Parish Groups

Parish life, Special Receptions, and Fellowship

Deb Williams

Sunday Coffee & donut hospitality

Leonor Marin

St. Brigid Women’s group

Melissa Anderson
Jeanne Patalano

Holy Family Catholic Homeschoolers

Stephanie Sabo

Knights of Columbus

Rick Park

St. Patrick Green Thumbs

Sidney Rodriguez


AJ Fortune

Office Angels

Kim Goodman
Vickie Keene