K-12 Catechesis: 2024-2025

Children’s Catechesis (PreK-5):

As human beings made in the image of God, children have an innate desire to know their Creator. The St. Patrick children’s catechesis program strives to guide children in this desire. Using an activity-based, Montessori-inspired curriculum, it treats children as active agents in the learning process. This program is available for children aged four years old to fifth grade.

Youth Catechesis: (6-12): MICHael OCHOA

Middle School Catechesis (6-8th Grade)

This youth ministry’s goal is to bring middle school-age children closer to the person of Jesus Christ through prayer and the sacraments, and to give teens a place of refuge from the chaos of life. Our catechists work hard to build relationships in the class that direct students to the fullness of life. The middle school catechesis program includes preparation for the sacrament of confirmation.

High School Catechesis (9th-12th grade)

Our high school youth ministry is small-group oriented and focused on establishing friendships directed toward discipleship. Through play, conversation, prayer, and mentoring and service, our small group members grow toward the fullness God calls them to. Monthly large-group events then help the friendships flower into the greater community of St. Patrick’s.

*We need mentors to help lead these young people into a life of discipleship. By developing a relationship with our high schoolers, understanding them, and inviting them into your prayer life, you can help lead these young people to heaven. Please message Michael Ochoa for more information.

RCIA for Children/Teens: